
Hello friends, family, and fans of literature,

The summer of 2019 was full of fun writer events, in a variety of locales. Below are a few highlights of my sensational summer. Additionally, at the bottom of this newsletter, you'll find a link to my upcoming book events—it would be wonderful to see some of my local friends this fall!

Spending time in my garden each summer is one of my favorite things to do.

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In July I traveled to Mt. Hood in Rhododendron for the Willow Writers' Retreat. This annual getaway with my writer friends is always so much fun, and this year was no exception!

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It was a productive week of writing. The Salmon River

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In August I was lucky enough to attend the SCBWI Summer Conference in Los Angeles, CA. It's always so inspirational, and a wonderful place to meet others who also love children's books!

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The view from my JW Marriott hotel room in la-la land. SCBWI Executive Director, Lin Oliver, interviews legendary children's book author, Mem Fox!

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My last writer event of the summer took place at my own home. The Willow Writers always enjoy our annual backyard write-out, but since the weather was a bit cool last week, we did our writing in my dining room. Hanging out with my pals Kriston and Deb is always so much fun—no matter where we're at! (By the way, that Saturday marked my first day of writing on Book II in my Livvi Biddle Series. While the second book has been outlined for some time, and a ton of research has gone in toward it, September 14th was the official start to the as yet unnamed novel.)

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Finally, click here for a list of my upcoming book signings—I'd love to see you at one (or more) of these events!

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Wishing each of you a fantastic fall season!


Sep newsletter

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