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School Visits | Library Visits | Skype Visits


These are Victoria's four presentations to choose from—notice the grade level:

  • How does a story become a book? (Hands on craft) Grades K & 1

  • A reading from the novel: The Tale of Willaby Creek or one of my Lindstrom Wintertime Tales. (See Books Page.) Discussion & activity to follow: Featured animals from the text that was read. (Please DO NOT read the story to students prior to Victoria's visit.) Grades 2 & 3

  • Where does story magic begin? Inspiration discussed. Grades 3, 4, 5, & 6

  • A Storyteller's Journey—The vast and varied road to becoming an author Grades 6 & up

Victoria provides free signed bookmarks or postcards to each student at all her presentations. Books may be purchased prior to the visit with a take home order form. Victoria will not be involved in the sale of her books at the visit, but would love to stay after her presentation to autograph her books for students. Libraries may sell Victoria's books at the visit if they provide a clerk with a table.

School Visits

Victoria prefers to use a classroom or library for her school visits, with a maximum of thirty students. If only a larger room is available, please provide a projector, computer, screen, and microphone for a Power Point presentation. For more information on available dates, prior preparations needed, fees, and other details for a visit, click for an author request form.

Library Visits

Being a past library volunteer in her community, Victoria loves to visit libraries. She requires a projector; a computer; a screen; and a microphone for her Power Point presentation, which is usually a compilation of several of her topics listed above in the Curriculum. Her presentation can also be customized to meet the needs of the library audience. Please click for an author request form.

Skype Visits

Victoria enjoys doing Skype visits and feels they are most productive when the students are prepared in advance. Questions may be sent to Victoria prior to the visit, and the presentations listed in the above Curriculum may be modified to suit the needs of your classroom. If you are interested in a visit via Skype, please click for an author request form.