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New Middle Grade Novel

The Sibylline Scroll

The Sibylline Scroll

The Time Travel Tales of Livvi Biddle

Livvi Biddle has never believed in the supernatural, fairy tales, or hocus-pocus of any kind. Her humdrum life consists of resisting the rude remarks of the neighborhood bully, dealing with her demented granny, and grappling with grief after the unexpected death of her mother.

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Lindstrom Wintertime Tales

The Night of the North

The Night of the North

Thistleberry Books

In 1927, Nolan Soderstrom and his father leave Minnesota to learn the life of naturalists in the Territory of Alaska. But when they visit Mt. McKinley National Park over their winter holiday, Nolan finds himself lost and alone at the base of Denali, deep in the uncharted wilderness.

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The Tale of Willaby Creek

Journey to Snowdonia

Journey to Snowdonia

Thistleberry Books

Henry and Harriet are proper children, who live in a proper house, on a proper street, in Victorian London. But when their father decides to take the family on a winter holiday, the siblings go on an outing that is anything but proper.

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The Tale of Willaby Creek

The Scandinavian Santa

The Scandinavian Santa

Deeds Publishing

Journey to the enchanted land of Scandinavia, where, nestled in the Nordic Forest, lives Santa Swanson. Each winter, this nephew of St. Nicholas has his own Christmas Eve delivery to make—but what that is and to whom has long been hidden.

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The Tale of Willaby Creek

The Tale of Willaby Creek

Thistleberry Books

When a violent windstorm strikes an enchanted rain forest many of the woodland creatures of Willaby Creek are stranded, injured, or lost forever to the frenzied force of the tempest. Basil, a black bear full of doubt and fear, becomes the unlikely leader to head the woodland creatures' rescue.

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